Yes I'm officially back from Japan.
You know, I originally brought along my pc so that I could update easily but then it ended I only managed to post a single blog entry before I returned.
So now that I would need to trace back those days and luckily I've got a lot of pictures reminding me what I have been through.
I need to thank to lots of people there which make my stay extremely enjoyable.
I am really grateful towards my host family. They hosted me with kindness and warmth and treated me as if I were their own grandson/son/brother.
I really burst into tears that day when I was on the flight leaving Tanegashima. I really couldn't bear leaving them.
Even though I have returned, I am still in contact with them and some casual Skype calls can really cheer me up.
They even delivered Japanese rice to my home! I was so shocked because I only told them I liked Japanese rice once and they could remember it. It was sweet.
Then I knew a lot of people in the school where I went to. Especially thanks to the E-1 Class of Tanegashima High School. Nearly everyone offered me help and treated me nicely during my 4-day-lesson at there.
A lot of people told me they were touched by my speech so I guess I was pretty successful!
Lastly a special thank to us Fukuoka YCEs!
Yes we are awesome!! Made friends with you guys and it was really fun! And I wouldn't forget we laughed during the whole flight from Fukuoka to Bangkok!
So glad that we made it altogether :D
(this is an rough update about the trip and details will be added one by one, very soon!!)
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