Yes, if you do not know my story yet, I’m here to tell you.
I participated the Youth Exchange programme hosted by Lions Club and eventually I got chosen and was transferred to Japan.
My host family stays in Tanegashima, an island off the southern part of Kyushu island. I took four flights including transit from KL to here. It was really quite a journey.
Tanegashima is a very beautiful island, with extremely gorgeous seasides, dazzling scenery, tranquil lifestyle, and generous people. It would definitely be a pleasant stay.

Gorgeous seaside

I was welcomed with open hands. My host family consists of four members, father, mother, son and daughter. They have been treating me very well. I have putting up quite fine with my host brother Kyohei Nishimura, he’s sort of funny and kind, and of course takes good care of me.

I was taken to the Tanegashima High School second day right after I arrived, and experienced something quite new there. As seen of TV, they can bring mobile phones, they do not have school rules about hairstyle and so on. What impressed me is that, they do have a lunch time at around 1pm and then will brush their teeth TOGETHER after meal, before next period.

Today I even went to the Christmas party hosted by Tanegashima Foreigner Society. It was quite enjoyable as there were a lot of activities and I even gave a speech there.. in Japanese!
Speaking of which, though I have learnt Japanese before, but I still barely speak it fluently. I can handle easy conversation, but when it comes to TV programs or formal events speeches, it was hardly understandable to me.

Will keep on learning and hopefully I can speak it fluently before I return home.
Stay tuned if you’re interested as I am gonna update spontaneously.
For more photos, please refer to: Facebook Album








I know it's been some time since my last entry before the holiday I'm so sorry because I was too occupied to update.I had a trip to Vietnam and taken a lot of pictures, take a look at them on Facebook if you're interested. I went to the Bookfest at Kuala Lumpur and managed to witness Giddens aka 九把刀 giving an awesome speech. Of course I bought like nearly 20 books there.
And then we are painfully reminded that school leaving exam is only 28 days away. Terrific.

We departed at 9.30am and landed in Hanoi at around 12.30pm. Then straightly we went for lunch. The meal served was Vietnamese Pho Noddles in a well-known restaurant.

Chicken Pho Noodle

And then we walked across the road and arrived at a famous tourist attraction named The Temple of Literature or Temple of Confucius.

The entrance to the temple

And amazingly we found that there were Chinese writings all around the place. There were actually some moral values formed by bonsai and displayed at the temple.

Due to jet lag we were too tired to continue the city tour so we went back to hotel for some rest. We didn't go anywhere until we went for dinner. Every building in Hanoi seems to be slim and slender in size. They might be three or four storey in height but tend to be a rectangle more than a square.

And then I managed to have a little drink of the local Hanoi Beer. They were actually lite beer (compared to those we usually drink) and I could drink quite a couple of cups. There were quite inexpensive too.

The restaurant and the Hanoi Beer

During the trip I witnessed a lot of people living in poor condition and under the poverty threshold. No matter how hard it is, they would do their best to make their life at least meaningful. 
I did not take pictures of them as I considered it disrespectful. But I ran a search and unsurprisingly there were a lot more people living like this.

There are people out there who are fighting for living :

Life is hard. Just keep on moving. LOVE LIFE <3

-Stay tuned to other posts about the trip- 

1. 這篇entry沒有照片,純粹只是最近生活的簡述。我知道我很久沒更新了,所以一次過把要說的話說完。

2. 期中考剛結束,只能說因為沒有好好用功所以這樣的成績是自作自受。真的要好好努力了。統考從250到150到現在50天倒數。

3. 有感於自己真的生活得太慵懶了,所以發了個誓考完試後要盡全力打工賺錢,做不到的話就要向我一個朋友“敬禮”。

4. 幫自己開了一個銀行儲蓄戶口。說來慚愧,長這麼大銀行的ATM Machine還有Cash, Cheque Deposit Machine都不會用,還好有好心的陌生人幫忙。把Taylor‘s寄來的200塊支票存進去了。至於為什麼會有這張支票,請看--> 這裡

5. 不久前去郵政局要買Wang Pos也一樣碰壁,還因為去錯counter被郵政局的職員罵。

6. 前幾天去看Rise of the Planet of the Apes,看了後很失望,完全沒有好萊塢電影的水準。

7. 參觀了多次教育展,加上很周詳的考慮,也算是對未來找到了方向,希望會達成目標。

8. 明天早上10點的飛機飛往越南,拋開一堆的補習什麼的很不怕死的去旅行個五天。

9. 旅行回來要去第6屆海外華文書市!

to be continued.

And so the Class Decoration which lasts for a month has officially ended - but the result remains undisclosed
well as I promised I shall fully introduce you what my class - Senior Middle Three Commerce Zhong has presented


Indeed we themed at those legendary person who succeeded in the business field, and most importantly, contributed to the society upon their success
And that would be, (from top left) Alice Walton, Warren Buffett, Li Ka Sheng, Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerberg and last but not least, Bill Gates
*For their details, look into them at Wikipedia if you are interested 

As we know there are tons of visitors like you, will not be familiar with them, we prepared some watch boards with their details on for reference 

Explains why we choose to illustrate them 

Besides the mural, we have four more small pictures painted on the side walls of our class and each of them stands for a meaning in addition to our theme.

The side walls

The top left simply implies that we are born in a digital era which requires more creativity and imagination.Top right pictures the heart of world's financial district Wall St and means that we need to find our own way to pursue. 
Bottom right illustrates the Empire State Building and World Trade Centre indicating that finding a correct path will lead you to your business kingdom.
The last is a wheel of fortune which has famous quotes of successful persons written on it as to encourage ourselves.

And there is the header on top of our blackboard.

Another form of successful persons.

We firmly state that they are legends not because they are rich, the main point is that they are willing to contribute eg. donate billions of money, found a foundation etc.
And we understand that not everyone has the ability to become one of the listed richest person, but that doesn't mean you can't be success.
No matter what your jobs are, as long as you do your jobs willingly, and contribute to your society in your own ability, you are a success person.

A random pic. Our bulletin board. 

Do you see two persons kissing? or a cup or a vase? 

Besides painting our classroom, each class need to present a sculpture as well.
And we chose to make a book, headlined with Warren Buffett.

The handmade super-sized book.

This is like a biography of him and one of his quotes on the back of the book.
"Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future." 
As to why we chose to make a biography-like book, it's because we believe that only successful person could have a chance of having his or her biography published.
And we yearn for a life like that. A successful person who contributed a lot to the society.


兩年一度的課室佈置都已經來到最後一個星期了我竟然還沒更新 有點對不起
因為真的很沒時間 沒心情 又沒照片 沒靈感 不過今天總算是又有時間又有照片

我們學校每一年都有一個大型活動 課室佈置以及運動會輪流各辦一年 今年輪到課室佈置
所謂課室佈置就是要在課室畫上壁畫以及插畫等等 高中組則另外需要製作塑像
全校每一班都要參與 共有一個月的時間進行 在課室佈置日當天就會有評審來打分
這個禮拜天(24/7)就是萬眾期待的比賽日 最後的這個禮拜我們都得爭取時間來趕工 

這就是我們班的壁畫 主題是 傳奇

因為我們是商科班 所以就想說畫出商界的經營 來作為我們以及學弟妹的目標
從左到右 : 股神巴菲特 香港首富李嘉誠 世界首富墨西哥電信大亨史林姆 微軟比爾蓋茨


課室佈置其實是個很棒的活動 大家群策群力 又是畫呀又是彩色的
除了可以學習到很多不同的知識技巧 也可以增進彼此的感情
(關於課室佈置尤其是還沒提到的塑像 下次會再詳細介紹)

還有今天我們又再次去了古來寬柔中學參觀台灣高教展 而且真的滿載而歸
來參展的大學有80多所其中如台大 政大 成大等名校都有在現場 而且都有提供不錯的訊息

我跟馬瑩儀同學的參觀策略很成功 XD

當然最讓大家興奮的是 我們拿到了很多的贈品 而且有些真的很精緻很精美
過後大家甚至還在比較誰是A紀念品達人 有些人連手機吊飾啊文件夾啊都有

大家都對這次的展覽很滿意 :D

不過隨著日子一天一天的過去 要離開中學的日子就一天天的逼近了 壓力也就開始大了
除了升學目標 當然最重要的還是好好準備考試 好成績才有更廣的出路

沒錯 它就靜悄悄的變成2位數了

從200多天變成100多天 100多天變成二位數 接下來的日子會飛逝而過吧
真的要好好準備了 而不是計劃得非常完美 到最後什麼都沒達到 
那就真的是一將功成萬骨枯 一失足成千古恨了 
加油呀大家 :D

This year Taylor's University is organising the 7th Accounting Quiz and our school participated in it
It started with us taking the quiz in our school respectively and five students would be chosen for the final round
So there's the lucky us - five of us who were chosen to represent our school competing with 14 other schools

that's the quiz venue in FoonYew Kulai

We departed today at 6am (though I was 20 minutes late) to the venue FoonYew High School Kulai 
arrived successfully at around 9am and went for breakfast before the quiz commenced at 10am
we were so nervous we kept revising all the accounting chapters and some hard chapters nearly drove us insane

You know when it's time to announce the results we were REALLY REALLY strained and tense
the prizes are divided into two categories which consists of 10 individual places and 3 group prizes
the individual prize came first and when a brilliant girl from my class got the 10th place the others of us were actually not hoping for a place anymore 

But to my surprise and astonishment I was really LUCKY enough to get the 5th place in the competition

RM200 cash and 30% scholarship to study in Taylor's

For the group prizes, I am proud to say Chinese High School is the RUNNER-UP of the competition

RM1500 cash  for the school

We were so shocked because we only thought we might get the 3rd prize and when the 3rd prize wasn't us
we had never assumed they will be calling the name of our school when they actually did 

 That's us for the quiz :D

And we had a joyful trip during the journey in the car as our teacher was really quite a chatterbox and funny 
One of us in the car was really talkative as well and they chattered all along the trip 

A little joy LOL

After all it's really a great experience and we learnt quite a lot from the speech given about accountancy
And glad to have brought something back to school :D

(我發現你profile picture很多元化 要放你照片選擇就很多樣化 XD)

沈愷雯 一個很有想法的女生 一個很有主見的女生 一個很有爆發力的女生
一個很steady的朋友 一個很大方的朋友 一個超講義氣的朋友 一個很棒的朋友

沒錯 6月27日就是她的生日啦 但是因為那天是星期一 所以我們提早一天慶祝
首先雖然那天沒看到她很愛的倪安東有些遺憾 但是也算是一個圓滿的慶祝
我們晚餐時間去到了Pizza Hut吃比薩 作為整個晚上的序幕 
然後結束後 我們這群人的招牌就出現了 眼罩遮住了她的眼睛 我們就浩浩蕩盪地去了碼頭

一開始是我們新發明的環節 一個人一個人輪流去跟她說一些話
(這個環節很不錯 因為平時就比較難有機會說一些比較難啟齒的話 就可以利用機會)

就這樣輪流進去車子裡面 她蒙著眼睛 聽我們跟她說話

過後輪完7個人後 把她領出車外 隨便兜了幾圈後 拿下眼罩 蛋糕就出現了
雖然不是她最愛的卡通 但是我們準備的也真的蠻可愛的 而且很不錯吃


過後我們播了一段影片 裡面都是她的朋友們給她的生日祝福
我很想上傳上來 但是檔案太大了 就想像一下那個畫面吧 
雖然沒有很多人 但是祝福的都是值得記下來的 都是值得紀念的(雖然miss掉了一些)

過後還有放了一個孔明燈讓她許願 弄得我們很緊張 因為那個孔明燈款式比較舊
我們又比較不清楚怎樣放 剛升空時它一度要跌下來燒掉 還好順利飛向高空

雖然沒有很大肆慶祝 但是我們真的有在花心思安排一切 或許簡單了些 但是卻不隨便
希望我們"有些人"帶來的不只是歡樂 也是感動 欣慰


祝你笑口常開 青春永駐 心想事成 

我是一个高中生 中学生涯把青春的大半日子都占据掉了
要找到一个人最纯真的青春故事 就到校园里面去吧 青涩年华的一步一脚印 全都一览无遗

这是我的班 高三商忠班 里面真的蕴藏着关于我的各种故事
今年是高中的最后一年 也就是最有压力却也最有回忆的一年
功课 测验 期中考 期末考 课业紧迫得让人没办法好好喘息  
虽然对于课业还是尽心尽力 但是课业却不会主宰我的人生
也许是懒惰 也许是厌倦 就是没办法提起劲好好努力 
对于念书 唯一的态度就是 "把考试考好来就好" 

很荣幸的我也曾经是个辩论员 我相信这是一段很特别的经历
因为辩论让我学习到的 远远多过辩论技巧 因为辩论让我有胆量说话
让我有能力可以站上台不紧张 面对群众说话也可以冷静地应付
归功于辩论的训练 所以在大家眼中我总是一个"会说话.懂得说话"的人


其实当个领导人最需要的就是说服群众的能力 要让团队的其他人信服你 那才算成功
还有最重要的人际关系 也是我最无能为力的一个部分 你可以很成功 但被大家厌恶 
那这样的成功我宁可不要 虽然奸诈险恶的情节未来可能避开不了 但我谢绝预先体验
所以我安分守己 安安静静尽好自己的本分 其余的大小事 就当作过眼浮云吧

如果你还不了解我 我做了一段影片收集了大家对我的看法
*这些人都是发自内心的说话 我没有指定他们说什么 :)

(如果你要播放 记得调高音量)

看完了这个短片 我就真的被曝露得一览无遗了 XD

××××本篇為2011年新加坡部落格大獎的參賽作品 (二)××××
我非常需要你们的支持 :)

没错 消失的这一个礼拜 我不是去逍遥快活 而是住院了 得了蚊症(dengue)

星期五晚上洗好澡后就开始有种要生病的感觉 所以那天睡觉前吃了panadol
隔天起来后就开始发烧了 可是还是去了学校 回来之后吃了药又再睡觉 醒来后更烧了
而且还隐隐要吐 但是没吐出来 我不以为意 就吃了药又要睡觉 妈妈回来后决定半夜带我看医生

吃了几天的药还是没好 星期一就换了另外一所诊所看医生 原本身体还不错 只是发烧
吃了药睡觉后隔天醒来全身四肢无力 头很昏 整个很虚脱 于是妈妈直接带我去医院
然后就这样住院了 吊点滴 抽血 量血压 测体温 就一直发生
后来证实得了蚊症 整个炸到 天啊

 这是验血报告 Dengue IgG -- POSITIVE

然后在医院里面三天 真的是很难受 每天我都在过时间 看那个时钟觉得超慢的
而且受伤还要插着打点滴的针管 虽然没有很痛 但睡觉上厕所吃饭就很不方便


原本我还期待只住院一天 今天进来 明天就可以走了 
但是身体里面的血小板一直不要升 其他什么都好了 烧也退了 也没咳嗽头痛头晕
就只差血小板没升 害我很着急 而且他还一直跌!
后来求医生求到老 终于答应我给我出院 然后今天回去验血时终于回升了

血小板 106 --> 80 -->71 (惊心动魄) 终于回升了 [正常是150以上]

不要以为出院了就很开心 医生开给我的药多到我都吓到
虽然蚊症是没有特别的药 但那些配合的倒是很多 拉里拉杂的


* 这里要特别感谢来探望我的大家 我真的真的很感激你们
  尤其是班导师还特地来看我 真的吓到了
  总之 真的很谢谢你们啊 :D

这次生病多出了很多时间 (那里没得上网!) 让我想清楚了很多东西 有些事真的不能强求 该来的就会来 不是你的就不是你的 不用勉强 世界很大 还有很多的东西很多的人 等着出现在我们的生命中 今天你失去了些什么 以后一定有机会补回来的

而且我错过了很多东西 (家长日, 课室布置第一天, cikgu lyna的蛋糕...) 更让我懂得了好好珍惜的重要性

大家 生病很辛苦 好好照顾健康 注意个人卫生 不要生病啊 :D

白色,沒有一絲毫的污染,那麼純潔 乾淨、清醇、無邪,雖是樸素,但不失高尚。
這 就是青春 那麼天真 那麼自信 好比如一朵百合 沉澱親情、友情、愛情的滋潤。








××××本篇為2011年新加坡部落格大獎的參賽作品 : 選擇一個代表青春的顏色××××
××感謝以上照片中的人物 真的感激不盡××

原本預計這個假期可以好好唸書 畢竟距離10月的統考真的不遠了
哪裡知道雖然沒去哪兒旅行 但是還是一直外出 不然就看戲看小說沒唸書
當然有幾件事情還是得好好記下來  象徵這個假期生活吧 :)

首先當然是鄭瑋昇老大的生日啦 雖然在假期 但是有的去旅行去外地打工
所以只有我們一些人幫他慶祝 最可惜的是他最想見到的那個人 竟然不能出席
但是我們還是帶他去到海口上慶祝 點了蠟燭 還好沒海風 然後就這樣唱生日歌


過後就去到Tasik Y 然後就跟他玩一個很好笑的遊戲 他也很配合我們
我們躲在另外的地方 然後就用電話聯絡叫他走幾步蹲啊跑啊什麼的
帶領他到禮物前的時候 叫他脫衣服把我們送的衣服換上去 他竟然照做!

這就是他認真的在玩遊戲的樣子 哈哈哈

祝你生日快樂 :D

還有很榮幸的可以再次和久違的阿姐見面 然後follow-up了一些近況

一起加油啊 :D

當然從台灣回來的阿包帶了要送給我們的禮物 很特別哦
他們背後都有一個按鈕 按的話嘴巴就會發光 然後會發出聲音

 有很cute的猩猩 很肥的小豬 很娘的河馬 和不恐怖的恐龍

還有和馬瑩儀小姐再次搭檔去客串學輪社的IU Night的司儀
呃 是沒有很滿意自己的表現啦 說錯了很多話 不過也算是順利完成

Outfit of the day XD

最後的最後 如果你還不知道 我入圍了2011新加坡部落格大獎
如果你喜歡我的部落格 也不一定要很喜歡啦 就覺得不錯的話
就別吝嗇地投我一票吧! 記得按進去的時候 找到我名字 不要只是like啊
那樣是不算的 要按那個"vote now" 然後也需要花點時間註冊
我知道有點麻煩 但是你們投票的話 也有機會得獎哦 詳情請到那裡查看

please click it :D

還有 別忘了從今天到 7月3日 一天投一次哦 謝謝 :D

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