Today on the radio, I heard a very warm and pleasant advertisement regarding Valentine's Day.
It featured a man in his mid-fifties replying a letter for his daughter who stayed far away from him.
It was in Cantonese, and the way he read the letter out loud was indeed touching.
I managed to roughly recall it out.

I've been forgetting things these few days. And I keep thinking about old times. When you were a child and whenever you cried helplessly in my cuddle, I would placate you and you would eventually burst into laughter. I love watching you smile. Well, I heard about Valentine's day a lot recently. Is it approaching? I don't even know why, but it seems completely irrelevant to me. Maybe it's because there has been so many festivals lately and celebrations simply left us numb. 
Easter,Xmas Eve, Xmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Ren Ri (人日), Yuan Xiao Festival etc.
And now Valentine's day is coming.
I still remember when I was in high school, we would always hang out on Xmas Eve and partied as if we  were mad. The excitement and joy was impressive. Of course I still celebrate festivals now, but not as passionate as in those days.

Let me ask you one thing, would you prefer a lover who put his great effort on this specific day, present you roses, fireworks, red wines and a romantic night? Or you want a lover who doesn't take Valentine's Day very seriously, but treat you well 365 days every year?
(Laughter) I assume you would pick option A. But as you are growing older, you will definitely fancy the latter option. In my opinion, love should be really simple, plain and without posh or elegant decoration. It's because love is a sheer pleasure from the deepest part of our heart.

Maybe he was true. Growing up means that we would never see things in the same angle anymore. Maybe something we once regarded as a piece of worthless junk will become invaluably precious to us. Or once we thought extremely important will mean nothing anymore.

To me, the most important at present.

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