i revived my pitiful little blog ... again
now it returns in a whole new version 17.8
(version will be updated every month)

a lot of events took place in the past few months
thus i haven't been blogging but now
i'm bringing it back!

so stay tuned
to be continued ... very soon!

I used to tell myself that blogging isn't something hard
at least I can do it pretty well I mean
but I just can't help slacking around rather than sit well and type 
I guess that's why I always lead to compromises 
like "blog tomorrow" "definetely update after XXX"etc

I should start from 30 Hour Famine
it's the first time I ever lead such an enormous and meaningful camp

I can proudly say that we as the organising committee 
really learnt a lot from it
plus we are doing charity for the world renowned World Vision :)

and of  course the 8 Hour Famine for children

some of our members joined the Mini Famine Camp 
the most essential part was that seeing those kids enjoying themselves
you would be shocked at how you will be entertained XD

it's our class moon cake festival party after that

in truth it's really good to see we gathering around 
at least I enjoyed myself 
PS Boon Kiet's birthday was exactly the same day and I missed out that one 

and lastly and the foremost 
it's our MISS ZISHUANG's birthday

I think she knows what I want to say to her
it's needless to write it out xD

that summed up my late August and whole September
Cheers! =D

perhaps hoping for the best consequence doesn't really grant you what you want.
thinking it through the worst way would be a good try.

i have always been committing the same mistake
though i always know what should i do right now

yes and again its our lovely mid-term exams again
right now i am sitting right in front of the computer 
after a whole day almost an hour of hard-work struggling with chinese literature
i misused the my daylight time (again, such as usual)
i supposed i should have switched on my daylight time saving option
as i really could fall asleep without any difficulties 

tomorrow English Essay would be the first locomotive of this revolting lovely tram
so here i am practising the flow of my writing skill
(sadly i should be practising my idiomatic expression too)
but its obvious that this effort i made hasn't been very rewarding
but i just fed up sitting right in front of my desk 

It's ramadan this month and there is a buffet organised by a very affordable hotel
with very tasty meal.

good luck for my exam 
i'll try my best effort to keep my promise :)

i learn from the past; build towards the future. i try to be positive in the worst of situations. i'm too intricate of an individual for me myself to comprehend. i over-analyse almost everything but still act on an impulse.
i tend to see everything from a certain jaded romantic vantage point, and i wouldn't alter it in any way.
Sometimes it could be a catastrophe to be like this.

Cant help doing such things when exams are right in the corner.

i can simply neglect something more essential as a result of me being too optimistic.

Maybe it's time for a change, i thought.

更換了博客的主題了 覺得是時候改變了
總愛把一切想得很好 很天真
以為自己可以不斷地寫出新的篇章 新的故事
以為 unlimited 可以輕易地答道

但是現在卻不同了 我再也不需要unlimited 了
因為我深知 即使我有無窮無盡 說不完的故事
不如改變一下 只要讓故事接著下去就好 不求數量

今天有人跟我說  你不拍照的話  你以後一定會後悔的
其實我明白 拍照其實就是把自己認為美好的回憶留下來
那麼以後當你回憶起來 至少不會索然無味 不需要天馬行空
但是 如果我沒有什麼會令我懷念的回憶呢
如果拍了很多照片 卻拍不進青春歲月本該是轟轟烈烈的心情呢
那拍照也就失去了他的本意 那拍照只會是浪費資源
因為想要記下來的 我會在心裡的最深處記下 不需要圖文並茂的假象
不想要記下來的 就讓他隨著時光而淡掉 不需要刻意緩化

所以故事有沒有繼續 有沒有必要繼續 那就聽天由命
有時候遇到瓶頸的次數多了 遇到挫折慣了
只會讓人麻木 不求什麼 是我的就給我吧 不是我的我也不強求

總有一天 我會得到我想要 也是我應該得到的

我承認 上一篇是我的生日篇 是真的有點遙遠
(而且還是沒有寫完的 禮物篇還沒有寫 可是眼下禮物都不知何去何從)

算了 今年的大活動真的是每一個月都不間斷
5月 同樂會
6月 全國賽
7月 運動會
8月 飢餓30
PS. 這些都不包括 期中期末考

所以你可以想像我的這個博客 不知不覺miss掉了很多重要的部分
不過人生就是要有留白 才會完美 我很看得開的=)

最近真的忙得喘不過氣來了 大家都在休息了 準備考試了
飢餓30才正要開始 也很感謝 志工小隊輔們的貢獻
最重要的是籌委們的無私付出 愛你們

其實真的沒什麼了啦 都是很久以前的事情了
我們被大家說過的往事 也都隨著時間
漸漸被大家淡忘了 =)
雖然曾經是真的很尷尬 很不知所措
但是也還好我沒有被嫌棄過 都很有骨氣地被對待 我很感恩
所以我也祝福 希望我們再遇見的時候 會讓我有個驚喜
哈哈 1年 真的改變很多東西厚

最近很多人生病了 大家要多喝水 多休息 不要病倒

想要的是什麼都不懂 那我要怎麼去面對現實

今年的生日前夕 就有人不斷地詢問我要怎么慶生
后來我突發奇想 就跟zhen shun說 不然你來給我一個驚喜吧
原本我就真的是抱著開玩笑的心態 認為他不會理我
可是后來才發現 我真的過了一個充滿驚喜的生日 哈哈

那一天 他們要我3點到戲院看戲 (后來我才知道是計劃失敗 原本并非如此)
結 果就用了一個很爛的把戲 然后那時我就以為 噢 這就是驚喜啊 結束了
就真的沒再多想什么 知道看完戲過后 原本很沒有主見的一群人
忽 然很有主見地一同要去同一個地方 (我怎么沒有發現到呢!)
然后我就認為只不過是簡單的吃個東西 喝杯水 還問他們 你們沒有買蛋糕吧
結 果ying yi和zi shuang在我面前演了一齣很爛的戲 (可是我還是被騙了)
然后一轉眼 就出現了一個蛋糕

然后我真的是一點都不知道 好啦 這是真的很驚喜 哈哈
這就是這群計劃后面的「有些人」了 哈哈 當然zhen shun的計劃是還沒有結束的
但是我真的是一點都不知情 他們就借故要我走到里面的方向
結果一路上就竟然有陌生人來拿生日卡片給我 我是真的有小驚慌失措了一下
可是很快的我就故作鎮定 結果分別從 拍賣員小姐 化妝品店的小姐 鞋店小姐 收到了3張賀卡
好啦 我真的要好好感謝zhen shun同學 哈哈 是真的充滿驚喜的一個生日^^
后來我們就驅車前往Pelican Hotel了 我也忘了是誰的點子 竟然說要住在那里
可是因為wei sheng晚上有比賽以及wei zhi要先回家
剩下的四個人就前往那里 因為某人有所需要 所以我們就直接進入房間里面 哈哈
然后就不知不覺聊了很久的天 直到我家人們 要幫我請多一次生

這就是我的第二個蛋糕 后來大家就在那里吃了晚餐 又回到房間聊天
結果我就真的認為 實在太有旅行的感覺了
然后兩位小姐們回家后 wei sheng也就來了 結果我就做了一個錯誤的決定
因為泡了一杯咖啡給他 結果他徹夜未眠 一直口若懸河
說到興奮處 還會有諸如大跳 高呼等動作 嚴重影響了我的睡眠
不過zhen shun就非常認真地聆聽他的一字一句 直到隔天才來后悔 哈哈哈
(原本是有照片的 只不過實在太隱私了 哈哈哈)

隔天中午12點 我們又回到了昨天的那個地方 然后去到了一個名叫魔力的地方
然后就看到了很多2商忠的同學們 可是我不得不說 其實我知道了你們的計劃
(都是yujun太明顯了 整個就完全看得出)
不過我還是有小吃驚一下 因為真的有好多人哦 很棒 哈哈

后來我們就去看電影了 看的是我看過的how to train your dragon
還好zhen shun愿意陪我去看他看過的臭名昭彰的 月光寶盒
然后他一直取消我的笑點很奇怪 (就是大家認為好笑的我覺得還好 大家覺得還好的我就爆笑)

好啦zhen shun你演技真的很好 我是真的被你騙了 還有wei sheng(雖然我有懷疑你)
結果又從一個小弟弟不同的售貨員小姐 還有玩具店小姐身上 收到了生日卡片
所以共是 abey, zishuang, zhenshun weisheng shanlin weizhi 的卡片 哈哈
好啦真的是很用心良苦 太感動了^^
結果我們就和那個小弟弟一起拍了照片 哈哈 他有點過動

然后整個就驚訝了一陣 哈哈哈

今天上了華教課 整個就很省悟
但是有些事情呢 畢竟就是會打從心底地去贊同

就如我自己說的 我其實還真的不怎么好勝
不過呢 我是絕對不會被一次的小小不順利輕易打敗的 哈哈哈
我頭頂著天 腳立著地 我頂天立地

就是有一個名叫做食客的組織成立了 哈哈哈
最大的宗旨就是 到處尋找經濟實惠美味可口的美食 推薦給大家
目前人數就只有區區的四個人 但是各有所長 哈哈哈

其實還真的不知道該怎么辦 太多太多的東西要好好思考
只希望不管我怎么決定 至少都不會后悔

it has been long again

since…two weeks ago? It’s not my fault!
i wouldn’t tell you it's because i am too lazy

so here it goes….

life continues on its pathway and nothing special happened
do not expect anything uncommon would happen on a high school student

the only thing is
holiday is coming and it lasts 9 days!
it’s of course the grandeur Chinese New Year
someone might probably remark that it is VERY important to us Chinese
but I just don’t think so

a friend of mine said,
“i have no idea why some Chinese just treat Chinese New Year simply as holiday!”
then I raised my hand and said, ”that’s exactly me!”
and he commented excitedly that it’s a festival for family members to have a reunion blah blah

I am the one who will let nature take its course in this festival…
yeah I have no idea too
i'll just.... do nothing and take it as simple as normal holiday...
probably will have some activities with friends and no more

how about you guys?
will you be excited? by what then?

today’s not much different than yesterday

i woke up at 10 (of course i did set alarm)
though there’s bunches of works and revisions to do
but i just didn’t feel like doing them
so i switched my pc on and wandering around

and then my mum brought us to KFC
it’s because she had got a voucher and thought
we need to use before expiry date


she thought that we need not pay anything and could enjoy those dishes
and then eventually she found out that RM33.50 was to be paid
(thus discount of RM10)
she was like “god, we’ve got cheated”

we went to Pelican Hotel after that
it is now entirely new and fresh
ready to serve anyone in hospitality after the renovation



feel free to pay there a visit
and enjoy a meal in Pelican Cafe

by the way, since the Valentine’s Day is not far away
the hotel is now launching a Valentine’s Day Package


for more information, please contact the hotel =)

works, works

i’ve seen through it, accepted the fact which i never expected.
cheerful and joyful than anything now =D

today i did bring my camera out
but never got an appropriate chance to take any pictures
so there'll be no pictures in this post again

i woke up very early in the morning today
i actually have a classical chinese test today in the school
but due to the demise of our well-beloved Sultan of Johor
school's been cancelled.. this message was published at 2am
luckily i did switch on my mobile phone today!
or i would be like studying hard and gone crazy when found out school's cancelled

for more information, please refer to The Star
and then i went back to sleep at 8am
woke up again at 11am and had my breakfast(brunch)
went to the dentist for a toothwash (洗牙) i wonder if this is the correct word
and then went to have a snack

thats my today so typical yet so annoying
i will probably take some pictures and post them in my next post
theres so much chores to do i am really fed up

tonight i cried. burst into tears.

it's long enough since my last post.
i havent posted again since.... november 22?

i am so unforgivable =)

school's started since two weeks ago
and in truth, it remains dull and boring...
there's nothing but ample boredom queuing in front
i doubted everyone thinks the same like me
even i have found myself nothing to covet
thus nothing really inspires

i dont even know why is my spirit's dribbling
and almost all gone
i am not trying to be hysterical or paranoid
but i am sure someone or something's been stifling my ambition

i used to be very slaphappy
live my life in my very own way regardless of how people looks at me
but then i realised that passage of time brings immense difference
i am now mindful of everything in any circumstances
so wary that i was even so shocked by this eccentric behaviour of mine

maybe it's time i recognised myself again
in a totally diverse way

well i am pretty open to suggestion
feel free to inform me if you do find something weird in me

well hectic days are not far from now
i then will be very occupied with ...some stuff
cheers to the new year :D

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